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Zebras in Wild
To be a full member
represents, by independent inspection, proof of Quality & Safety across the operation. This is justifiably more robust than all other accreditations.
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The British Standard BS8848 for organising and managing visits, fieldwork, expeditions & adventurous activities outside the UK. Created by leading professionals to raise standards of international trips
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Recommended by the Department for Education regarding Health & Safety on educational visits. Nationally recognised indicator of good quality educational provision
Approved Activity Providers (AAPs) are organisations, both commercial and charitable, whose ventures have been approved by the DofE as meeting our sectional conditions and can count towards the achievement of a DofE Award.


" High standards and group safety across all

areas of my operation are at the heart of everything Africa Wild Trails delivers, and I am extremely proud of our 100% safety record. 

Working closely with assessing bodies to ensure compliance with the highest British Standards

is invaluable for us, all stakeholders, and participants on our ventures. 

Review and compliance is an ongoing process, ensuring our high standards are maintained. "


Angus Wingfield

Africa Wild Trails Director

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